Ryan Reynolds
Distraction Camp (2009)
Ryan Reynolds is an electrical engineer who turned to performance studies, receiving his PhD from the University of Canterbury in 2006 and teaching in the Theatre and Film Studies programme. His thesis, and later book, put forth a radical theory of contemporary political theatre. He was president of the NZ Federation of Film Societies, Group Secretary of the Asia-Pacific region of the International Federation of Film Societies and a member of the NZ Film Festival Trust. He was a long-standing performer and intermedial designer for Free Theatre between 2001-2014. After the September 2010 earthquake, he co-founded Gap Filler, a charitable initiative activating vacant sites around the city with creative projects.
'Playing Favourites' with Kim Hill (RadioNZ), 2012.
Saturday Morning, 10:05 am on 28 July 2012
'Upbeat' (RadioNZ) re 'The Marvellous Corricks', 2010.
Upbeat, 12:15 pm on 13 July 2010
'Playing Favourites' with Kim Hill (RadioNZ), 2012.
Saturday Morning, 10:05 am on 28 July 2012
'Upbeat' (RadioNZ) re 'The Marvellous Corricks', 2010.
Upbeat, 12:15 pm on 13 July 2010