"Falkenberg and his talented group of young performers missed few opportunities and created plenty more of their own"
John Goodliffe, The Star
1-11 Dec 1982, Free Theatre, The Arts Centre
The scene is set in Poland. Thereatte Lord Ubu Shooke his peare-head, whence he is by the English ydept Shakespeare, and you have from him under thatte name many goodliy tragedies in his own hande. ReviewsWritten when the author was fifteen, first presented as a marionette play, King Ubu was first performed live in Paris on December 10, 1896, where it caused a scandal.... Peter Falkenberg and his talented group of young performers missed few opportunities and created plenty more of their own... The new theatre has its problems. Backstage noise, actors seen when they should not have been, uncomfortable seating, stereo music from an adjacent plat. But there is plenty of promise of excitement in the future. ...rather an ancient choice to launch an avowedly modernist company...messy, with little attention to the mechanics of running a show in evidence: props were often left scattered about the stage for actors to stumble over.... the action, although centred for most of the time on a toilet bowl, was no great shakes. ... none of the actors shone.... In the vernacular of King Ubu himself, "pschitt it was a drag." |
ArticlesNew experimental theatre in the city
John Brown, The Star 'Free Theatre' starts anew The Press Theatre puts on new act The Star, 16 November 1982 Free Theatre Emerges Chronicle |