FAUST FEAST Premiered at the Old Queen's Theatre, October 2007 Production Credits
What do you get when you mix a potion of one part wizard and several witches, stir in a measure of poodles and meerkats, and whip up a devil or two? An innovative re-telling of a classic tale of magic and romance, set to music and dance, and served with a feast of fine food.
In the experimental tradition of Christchurch's Free Theatre, scenes from Goethe's Faust, the story of an old professor of magic who sells his soul in exchange for youth, are performed in the style of the Peking Opera and presented as entertainment for a Chinese banquet, catered for by Kiwi Kitchen's Richard Till and directed by Peter Falkenberg.
You are invited to an evening of broomsticks and chopsticks, as Faust is re-imagined as a Chinese magician who conjures spectacles and culinary delights. Audience members enjoy a five-course meal as part of the show.
I thank you all for coming to my feast. As I am sad, I want you to be pleased. You want a show: I will give you some action, And song and dance and food for satisfaction.