Naomi Campion

I Sing the Body Electric (2012)
Naomi was involved in Free Theatre as an actor and collaborator from 2010-2014. She performed in I Sing the Body Electric (2012), Passion, Pulse, Power (2011), The Earthquake in Chile (2011) and Don Giovanni Invites You to Dinner (2010). Naomi was employed by the University of Canterbury as a Film and Theatre Studies tutor. Naomi is an experienced producer producing I Sing the Body Electric (winner of Best Theatre The Press 2012) and co-producing Passion, Pulse, Power (2011) and The Earthquake in Chile (2011). Naomi is passionate about Free Theatre's collaborative approach to the development of new works and is particularly interested in theatre as a vehicle of resistance and transformation. Before joining Free Theatre, Naomi worked in various communication and administrative roles within non-profit organisations. After leaving for the U.S. in 2014 she worked with Heart of the Beast Theatre Company and recently returned to work with Indian Ink in Tāmaki Makaurau.